
今天開工了!! 不知道大家新的一年有什麼展望呢?
新年新希望的英文是New Year's resolution




Improve physical well-being 身體健康:

eat healthy food 吃健康的食物

lose weight 減肥, exercise more 多運動

drink less alcohol  少喝點酒

quit smoking 戒菸

get rid of old bad habits 戒掉壞習慣



Improve mental well-being 增加心靈的安樂

think positive多想正念

laugh more often 笑口常開

enjoy life 享受人生


「更多英文學習:QQ English


Improve finances 改善財務狀況

get out of debt 擺脫負債

save money 存錢

make small investments 小額投資



Improve career 改善職業生涯

perform better at current job 在工作上力求表現

get a better job 找個好工作

establish own business 創業



Improve education 加強學習情況

improve grades 成績進步

get a better education接受更好的教育

learn something new 學習新技能

read more books多看書



Improve self 讓自己更進步

become more organized 更有組織、條理

reduce stress減少壓力

be less grumpy少發脾氣

manage time 學會時間管理

be more independent 更獨立自主

perhaps watch less television 少看電視

play fewer sitting-down video games少打電動




「更多英文學習:QQ English


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