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Mactan Shrine
Mactan is the improbable site of one of the defining moments in the Philippines’ history.It was here, on 27 April 1521, that Ferdinand Magellan made the fatal mistake of underestimating the fighting spirit of Chief Lapu-Lapu. As the standard-bearer for Spain, Magellan had managed to curry the favour of all the most powerful chiefs of the region, with the single exception of Lapu-Lapu. So with 60 of his best soldiers, Magellan sailed to the island to teach him a lesson in gunboat diplomacy. But Lapu-Lapu and his men defended their island with unimagined ferocity, and Magellan was soon back on his boat – fatally wounded by a spear to his head and a poisoned arrow to his leg. This event is commemorated at the Mactan Shrine on a stone plinth bearing the date that Magellan was felled. Next to it is a statue of a ripped and pumped Lapu-Lapu, looking like a He-Man action figure.
在菲律賓的歷史中,麥丹島曾有過一個極具關鍵性的時刻。1521年4月27日,就在此地,葡萄牙籍的航海家斐迪南.麥哲倫實在是小看了當時麥丹島的統治者Lapu-Lapu的英勇。身為西班牙船隊的指揮官,麥哲倫雖已成功討好了此地區各大領袖,卻在Lapu-Lapu身上碰了釘子。因此,為了讓Lapu-Lapu見識一下裝載大砲的船艦的厲害,麥哲倫和其餘60名船員對當地島民展開攻擊。然而Lapu-Lapu和他的人民勇敢的抵抗攻擊保衛家園,麥哲倫回到船上避難時,已身受重傷,最後死於這場戰役。後人建立Mactan Shrine以紀念此事件,石柱上刻著麥哲倫敗北的日期,一旁的雕像則是滿身傷痕的Lapu-Lapu,英勇的就像一個He-Man的英雄人物(1980年代的美國英雄卡通,也做成塑膠玩具販賣)。
Kawasan Falls
Located 20km south of Moalboal, inland from Badian, the Kawasan Falls comprise a series of three waterfalls amid scenic forest; the largest cascades from 20m. A highlight of any visit here is a dip in its refreshing swimming holes, coloured a milky blue. While it’s a little spoilt by the weekend crowds, as well as development with small restaurants and tables (an extortionate P300 to sit at), it remains a pretty spot. More adventurous souls can scramble beyond the third waterfall to more secluded spots, or otherwise arrange canyonning trips in Panagsama. To get here, take a bus (P11) to Badian market and then a tricycle (P30) to the start of the trail. It’s a pleasant 20-minute walk along the banks of a river; a guide isn’t necessary. There’s a P50 parking fee if you have your own transport.
Kawasan Falls 位在宿霧的Moalboal南方20公里處,Badian的內陸地區。Kawasan Falls基本上來說是由三個瀑布區連串而成,其中最大的瀑布甚至有20公尺高。這裡最大的亮點就是瀑布下的乳藍色大池,遊客可在冰涼暢快的池水中戲水。雖然每到周末,這裡就擠滿人潮,小餐廳的食客們也絡繹不絕(然而價格則不算親切,在這裡用餐至少300披索起跳),不過這裡的美麗並不因此減分。熱愛冒險的人們更可以再往偏僻的祕境探險,或者參加在Panagsama的溪降行程(又稱峽谷探險,類似溯溪活動)。欲造訪此地,先搭乘巴士(11披索)到Badian市集,再乘三輪車(30披索)到瀑布路徑的起點,沿著河岸走約20分鐘就能到達目的地,所以並不需要請專人帶路。另外,如果您是以自己的交通工具前往,當地會收取您50披索的停車費用。
Olango Island Wildlife Sanctuary
The Olango Island Wildlife Sanctuary takes in 1030 hectares of sand flats and mangroves on Olango’s southern shores. This is a vital refuelling depot for around 50,000 birds of 47 species (including the endangered Chinese egret Egretta eulophotes and Asiatic dowitcher Limnodromus semipalmatus ) on the east-Asian migratory route to Australia. The birds, which prefer Olango to neighbouring islands because of the abundant food and ideal nesting sites, arrive in late September and leave in early March, but the best time for twitchers is between November and February. Tragically, you may also encounter organised hunting parties, which are imperilling shorebird populations.
Olango Island野生保育區占地1030公頃,位在奧蘭哥群島南端海岸的沙地紅樹林。這裡棲居了47種總數量接近50000隻的鳥類(其中包括瀕臨絕種的黃嘴白鷺和半蹼鷸),是個極為重要的復育基地,同時也是這些鳥類從東亞遷徙至澳洲時的中繼站。因為喜歡奧蘭哥這裡豐富的食物來源和理想的築巢地點,這些候鳥們總在九月快結束時抵達,並在隔年三月初離開,不過對賞鳥人來說,十一月到二月是最理想的賞鳥時機。令人難過的是,在這裡還會遇到一群相當有組織的狩獵者,而他們的出現正威脅著這些候鳥族群。
Carbon Market
No, it’s not a Philippine emissions trading scheme. Urban living in the raw, the Carbon Market is Cebu’s oldest and biggest produce market – where racks of clothes and baskets snuggle cheek-by-jowl with stalls of fish, live chickens, drying intestines and digital media of dubious origin. There’s not a lot to interest tourists, which is why you won’t get harassed by vendors. Most jeepneys heading downtown go to Carbon.
別誤會,這可不是菲律賓的碳排放交易計畫(Carbon Market又可譯為碳交易市場)。Carbon Market 其實是宿霧歷史最悠久、也是最大的貨物市集,成堆的服飾和手工製的籃子滿滿地擺在攤子上,在一旁的就是新鮮的魚肉和雞肉及乾肉腸等等。這裡其實沒有甚麼東西會特別會吸引觀光客,所以不太會遭到當地小販的強迫推銷。而當地特有的「吉普尼」車只要有開往市中心,都能載你到Carbon Market。
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